Working with Lipspeakers
Working with Lipspeakers
Appropriate situations for using a lipspeaker:
- Further and higher education
- Training courses
- Job interviews
- Workshops, seminars, and conferences
- Telephone work
- Business/work meetings; Client meetings; Committee meetings; Association meetings
- A legally trained lipspeaker can cover: solicitor meetings; police inquiries and interviews; court appearances
- Parent/teacher meetings
- Social services
- Hospital consultations; out-patient clinics; in-patient support
- Union meeting/conferences; political meetings
- A lipspeaker works in total confidence
- A lipspeaker is a professional communicator through which the message is passed in a clearly lip-readable way
The lipspeaker uses the flow, rhythm, and phrasing of natural speech and repeats the stress as used by the speaker. A lipspeaker can speak with or without a voice. Messages that are too fast for lipreading may have to be pared down by the lipspeaker. The lipspeaker will use some fingerspelling if the lipreader requests this.
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Some lipspeakers have British Sign Language (BSL) skills and can be asked to provide lipspeaking with sign support. Please make sure you specify this request when booking.
You should arrive early so that you can choose where to sit and explain any particular needs you may have to the lipspeaker… It will also give you time to get used to your lip speaker and give the lip speaker an opportunity to familiarise themselves with your voice.
Lipspeaking and the lipspeaker
An appropriate lipspeaking service gives people equal access to information. If you are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing and require lipspeaking support, please ask for it.
Who uses lipspeakers ?
Lipspeakers are mainly used by deaf, deafened and hard of hearing people. Hearing people may also use
Where do they work?
Lipspeakers work in a wide variety of settings in which it may be difficult to lipread the speaker directly. The level of lipspeaker you require depends on the nature of the assignment and the speed and complexity of the language used.
Association of Lipspeakers
Our Commitment
We aim to provide a first-class service and we always welcome feedback.
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In Association With
The ALS Steering Group
The ALS steering group is made up of working