Walks & Talks
Walks & Talks
The ALS has an established social programme of Blue-Badge guided walks & talks for lipreaders. The group meets on a number of occasions throughout the year at interesting landmarks and attractions, and it is always a popular social event. Please see below for further information on the forthcoming tours, and contact alsinfo@lipspeaking.co.uk if you would like to register your interest.
Walks & Talks – future dates in 2023 announced
The ALS is delighted to let you know about the Walks & Talks dates planned for 2023. Further information will be added when it becomes available but for now, please save the following dates: 21 May (TBC) 10 September 19 November If you are interested in joining...
Association of Lipspeakers
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We aim to provide a first-class service and we always welcome feedback.
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The ALS Steering Group
The ALS steering group is made up of working