Code of Practice

1 Fundamental Principles
1.1 Members shall uphold the reputation of the Profession and shall seek to improve professional standards through participation in their development, use and enforcement, and shall avoid any action that will adversely affect the good standing of the Profession.
1.2 Members shall in their professional practice seek to advance public knowledge and understanding of lipspeaking and to counter false or misleading statements that are detrimental to the Profession.
1.3 Members shall act with integrity towards fellow members and to members of other professions with whom they are concerned in a professional capacity and shall avoid engaging in any activity that is incompatible with professional status.
2 Status and Spirit of the Code
2.1 This Code lays down standards of professional conduct and practice expected of the Association’s Members. Failure to follow the guidance of the Code will be taken into account should it be necessary to examine the conduct or competence of a Member.
2.2 The fact that a course of conduct is not specifically referred to in this Code does not mean that it cannot form the basis of disciplinary proceedings. Members are expected to be guided in their professional conduct and work as much by the spirit of the Code as by its express terms.
3 Definitions
3.1 Member means any Lipspeakers admitted to membership of the Association.
3.2 Principal means any person or body from whom a Member accepts work.
3.3 Consumer means any person or body who makes use of a Member’s services.
3.4 Work means lipspeaking or teaching thereof, or activities connected therewith.

4 Confidentiality
4.1 Members shall maintain confidentiality at all times and treat any information, which may come to them in the course of their work as privileged information, not to be communicated to any third party without authority.
4.2 This shall not preclude disclosure when legally required to do so or when not disclosing information could leave the Lipspeaker liable to prosecution.
4.3 This also does not preclude sharing information on a strictly confidential basis within recognised structures of professional support and training, whilst respecting client confidentiality.
4.4 This shall also include the disclosure of information if it is necessary to protect the welfare of an individual or the community.
5 Professional Development
5.1 Members shall make every effort to improve and develop their skills and knowledge, by taking advantage of available training and development opportunities offered within the Association and by relevant bodies.
5.2 Members shall encourage and support fellow members in their professional development and where possible, provide opportunities for the professional development of new entrants to the profession.
6 Impartiality
6.1 Members shall conduct themselves in an impartial manner and display no bias to either side in the communication process.
6.2 Members shall not function in any situation where their impartiality could be questioned.
6.3 Members shall not give advice or offer personal opinion in relation to topics discussed or people present in a lipspeaking assignment.
6.4 No member shall derive any gain from privileged information acquired in the course of work undertaken.
6.5 Members shall disclose any business, financial or other interest that might affect this impartiality, before the assignment takes place, or as soon as practicable.
7 Professional relationships
7.1 Members shall support each other in the execution of their professional duties.
7.2 Members shall support other Language Service Professionals (LSPs) in the execution of their professional duties.
8 Professional behaviour
8.1 Members shall behave appropriately to all parties present in all situations.
8.2 Members shall at all times display anti-discriminatory behaviour to all parties present.
8.3 Members shall in their professional practice have regard to human rights, and shall avoid any actions that adversely affect such rights.

9 Professional practice
9.1 Members shall practice in situations where they have sufficient skill, experience, competence and qualifications to do so.
9.2 Members shall refuse work, which they know to be beyond their skill, experience, competence and qualifications.
9.3 Exceptions to the above are:
9.3.1 A Level 2 Lipspeaker undertaking experiential placement as part of Level 3 training in the company of a recognised Level 3 mentor.
10 Provision of service
10.1 Members shall recognise and accept the obligation to faithfully convey the subject, meaning and intent of the speaker. Members must remember that they are not responsible for what is said, only for conveying it accurately.
10.2 Members shall take all reasonable steps to ensure complete and effective communication between the parties.
10.3 Members shall take all reasonable steps within their competence to prevent a breakdown in communication.
10.4 In the event of a breakdown in communication, Members should inform all parties involved.
11 Acceptance of work and contractual arrangements
11.1 Members have the right to refuse any assignment without giving a reason.
11.2 Members shall endeavour to accept work on agreed terms and conditions.
11.3 Once accepted, Members shall not unilaterally vary the agreed terms and conditions without the agreement of the Principal, preferably in writing.
11.4 Fees shall be agreed by all parties prior to the assignment.
12 Dispersion of work
12.1 An arrangement, once accepted, shall not be cancelled by the Member without good reason.
12.2 If a Member cannot attend an assignment, the parties concerned shall be informed immediately and a written explanation provided.
12.3 No member shall subcontract work without the Principal’s prior knowledge and agreement.
12.4 Members acting as a company or agency shall disclose this fact to all interested parties.
13 Background knowledge
13.1 Members shall use their knowledge of the limitations of lipreading to support the communication process.
13.2 Members shall take appropriate steps within the confines of their role to repair a breakdown in communication. Such steps should normally be taken with the knowledge and consent of the Consumer.